This Magnetospheric State Query System (MSQS) is developed as a part of our effort to construct a set of new-generation radiation belt models. As a stand-alone system, the MSQS returns the time intervals when a set of user-specified geophysical conditions occurred. Time intervals from MSQS can be used directly to select, retrieve, and analyze the observations associated with a given magnetospheric state [Fung, 1996; Fung et al., 2005; Fung and Shao, 2008]. Definitions and explanations of MSQS quantities can be found here .

Please acknowledge/cite the use of the Magnetospheric State Query System (MSQS) in your publications or presentations by the following phrase:

"For this research, I/We have made use of the Magnetospheric State Query System (MSQS) developed and operated by the Space Physics Data Facility of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center."

F10.7 is Solar flux density at 2800 megaHertz with unit = 10^-22 Joul/sec/m^2/Hz.
Solar wind Bx, By, Bz are in GSM coordinate.

User can specify the magnetosphere state (PSI) parameter range (minimum to maximum) and retrieve multi time intervals satisfying the query conditions.
Delay factor must be non-positive integer.
Ave. over (ave_len) stands for the time duration for "Averaging over" and must be positive integer.
By checking the box in front of the parameter f and specifying the Min, Max, Delay and Ave. over values, the time intervals t retrived will satify

General information on data:
Parameters Resolution Source
F10.7 flux day NGDC
Sunspot number R day OMNI-2
IMF, Bx, By, Bz, Bmag, E field (Vel.*Bz) hour OMNI-2
Solar Wind Plasma Density, H+ Temp., Velocity, Pdyn hour OMNI-2
Solar Wind Plasma Beta=[(T*4.16/10^5)+5.34]*Np/B^2 hour Derived
Alfven Mach Number=(V*Np^0.5)/20*B hour Derived
Quasi-Invarinat =1/(Alfevn Mach Number)^2 hour Derived
Mach Number = V/Vsound, Vsound=sqrt(1.67*kT/mi) hour Derived
Kp index 3 hour OMNI-2
Dst index hour OMNI-2
AE AL AU index hour OMNI-2
ap-index hour OMNI-2
PC(N) index hour OMNI-2

See OMNI web site for further information on data source.


  1. Fung, S. F., Recent development in the NASA trapped radiation models, Radiation belts Models and Standards, Geophysical Monogr., 97, AGU, Washington, D. C., 79-91, 1996.

  2. Fung,S. F., E. V. Bell, L. C. Tan, R. M. Candey, M. J. Golightly, S. L. Huston, J. H. King, and R. E. McGuire, Development of A Magnetospheric State-Based Trapped Radiation Data Base, Adv. Space Research, Volume 36, Issue 10, Pages 1984-1991, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2004.04.020, 2005.

  3. Fung, Shing F., and X. Shao, Specification of Multiple Geomagnetic Responses to Variable Solar Wind and IMF Input, Ann. Geophys., 26, 639-652, 2008.

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